Welcome to my world, I am happy to have y’all here. Through this website my hope is that you will get to know me and learn a little bit about what drives my life. Come along for the ride…

While I am four things first: sister, daughter, friend and student, my passions extend beyond these roles. I am also an: aspiring entrepreneur, model, photographer, stylist, personal assistant, event planner, world traveler, and caregiver. Being a citizen of the world is important to me and I love learning from and sharing my experiences with new people. If I can help with any of these areas or learn something new let’s connect!

Currently I am studying Entrepreneurship at University of Miami’s Herbert Business School with a minor in Art History. With my interests mainly concentrated in luxury business and fashion I hope to one day run my own all encompassing lifestyle brand. Under this brand umbrella the products and services will include: collaborative fashion lines, a sustainable boutique hotel portfolio, and a location/needs based charity in my parents’ name.

Since the age of thirteen I have been working as a freelance model, photographer, and stylist. Over the years, I have shot campaigns and walked in runway shows for clients both in Charleston, SC and Miami, FL.

While being in front of the camera is my preferred role, being behind the lens, as well as helping to style the picture also bring me immense joy.

Arguably the most taxing of my roles, but also the most gratifying, are the times when I assist people. Whether that is being a personal assistant, including event planning, or a caregiver, nothing makes me happier than helping others to make their life run smoother. Acts of service ground me in my very busy and often hectic life.

Marketing for Entrepreneurs’ Project: Who are you as a drink?

Elevate Runway Fashion’s Spring Student Showcase

Want to work together or just get together? Feel free to contact me using the tools below. I look forward to hearing from you…

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